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    image   Directions, Weather, Traffic - Hỏi đường, giao thông, thời tiết
    Sunny Day   (110565)
    Rainy Day   (57532)
    Snowy Day   (39797)
    Weather Forecast   (32959)
    Asking the way 1   (31949)
    Asking the way 2   (28413)
    Oh, my! The whole world is broiling.   (27385)
    You've got to drink a lot of fluids.   (23206)
    Oh, the heat is unbearable!   (17572)
    The water just goes off without a warning.   (16607)
    It's raining cats and dogs today.   (16968)
    It hasn't rained a drop for months!   (14713)
    The drought conditions are severe!   (14786)
    A security scare in the subway !!!   (11992)
    You just drove through a red light !!!   (10082)
    Exceeding the speed limit !!!   (12461)
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