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 Post by: o2xdaexec
 ID 16975
 Date: 05/07/2008

Dịch dùm ḿnh bài này với,năm cuối kiểm tra nhiều quá..
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Kính mong mọi người giúp đỡ,năm cuối bài nhiều nên ḿnh không thể làm hết,mọi người giúp ḿnh dịch bài nhé,cám ơn mọi người nhiều!
He created Mickey Mouse and produced the first full-length animated movie. He invented the theme park and originated the modern multimedia corporation. For better or worse, his innovations have shaped our world and the way we experience it. But the most significant thing Walt Disney made was a good name for himself.
It was, of course, long ago converted into a brand name, constantly fussed over, ferociously defended, first by Disney, latterly by his corporate heirs and assigns. Serving as a beacon for parents seeking clean, decent entertainment for their children, the Disney logo — a stylized version of the founder's signature--more generally promises us that anything appearing beneath it will not veer too far from the safe, sound and above all cheerful American mainstream, which it defines as much as serves.
That logo also now identifies an institution whose $22 billion in annual sales make it the world's largest media company. It purveys many products that would have been unimaginable to its founder, a few of which (the odd TV show, the occasional R movie) might even have been anathemas to him. Not that one sees him pondering long over such trifles, as his company fulfills the great commercial destiny this complex and darkly driven man always dreamed for it.
The notion of Walt Disney as a less than cheerful soul will ring disturbingly in the minds of older Americans taught by years of relentless publicity to think of Disney as "a quiet, pleasant man you might not look twice at on the street," to quote an old corporate promotional piece — a man whose modest mission was simply "to bring happiness to the millions." Going along with the gag, he implied that the task was easy for him because he always whistled while he worked: "I don't have depressed moods. I'm happy, just very, very happy."
Sure. You bet. It sounded plausible, for if anyone seemed entitled to late-in-life contentment it was Walt Disney. Did not his success validate the most basic of American dreams? Had he not built the better mouse and had the world not beaten a path to his door, just as that cherished myth promised? Did he not deploy his fame and fortune in exemplary fashion, playing the kindly, story-spinning, magicmaking uncle to the world? No entrepreneurial triumph of its day has ever been less resented or feared by the public. Henry Ford should have been so lucky. Bill Gates should get so lucky.
The truth about Disney, who was described by an observant writer as "a tall, somber man who appeared to be under the lash of some private demon," is slightly less benign and a lot more interesting. Uncle Walt actually didn't have an avuncular bone in his body. Though he could manage a sort of gruff amiability with strangers, his was, in fact, a withdrawn, suspicious and, above all, controlling nature. And with good — or anyway explicable — reason.
For he was born to a poverty even more dire emotionally than it was economically. His father Elias was one of those feckless figures who wandered the heartland at the turn of the century seeking success in many occupations but always finding sour failure. He spared his children affection, but never the rod. They all fled him at the earliest possible moment.
Before leaving home at 16 to join the Red Cross Ambulance Corps during World War I, Walt, the youngest son, had discovered he could escape dad's — and life's — meanness in art classes. In the service he kept drawing, and when he was mustered out, he set up shop as a commercial artist in Kansas City, Mo. There he discovered animation, a new field, wide open to an ambitious young man determined to escape his father's sorry fate.
Animation was as well a form that placed a premium on technical problem solving, which was absorbing but not emotionally demanding. Best of all, an animated cartoon constituted a little world all its own — something that, unlike life, a man could utterly control. "If he didn't like an actor, he could just tear him up," an envious Alfred Hitchcock would later remark.
Reduced to living in his studio and eating cold beans out of a can, Disney endured the hard times any worthwhile success story demands. It was not until he moved to Los Angeles and partnered with his shrewd and kindly older brother Roy, who took care of business for him, that he began to prosper modestly. Even so, his first commercially viable creation, Oswald the Rabbit, was stolen from him. That, naturally, reinforced his impulse to control. It also opened the way for the mouse that soared. Cocky, and in his earliest incarnations sometimes cruelly mischievous but always an inventive problem solver, Mickey would become a symbol of the unconquerably chipper American spirit in the depths of the Depression.

Mong mọi người giúp đỡ!!!

góp ư kiến
 Reply: o2xdaexec
 REF: 98366
 Date: 05/10/2008

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Sao không ai dịch dùm ḿnh vậy ta,tŕnh độ khó quá phải không?

 Reply: o2xdaexec
 REF: 98367
 Date: 05/10/2008

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Sao không ai dịch dùm ḿnh vậy ta,tŕnh độ khó quá phải không?

 Reply: vn4000
 REF: 98421
 Date: 05/24/2008

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Đây là một đoạn:
Ông ấy tạo ra Chuột Mickey, bộ phim hoạt hoạ hoàn chỉnh đầu tiên. Ông xây dựng nên ư tưởng về công viên và đặt nền móng cho tập đoàn truyền thông đa phương hiện đại này. Dù tốt hay xấu, những ư tưởng của ông đă định h́nh thế giới và cung cách mà chúng ta tri nghiệm nó. Nhưng điều quan trọng nhất mà Walt Disney đă tạo nên được là sự nổi tiếng cho bản thân ông. Tên của ông dĩ nhiên đă được chuyển thành tên hiệu nổi tiếng từ lâu, và liên tục được làm cho trở nên quan trọng, được bảo vệ dữ dội, trước tiên là bởi Disney, bởi những người cộng tác kế nhiệm và cuối cùng là những người được ông chỉ định. Phục vụ như một miếng thịt nướng cho các bậc cha mẹ muốn t́m kiếm một phương tiện giải trí lành mạnh cho con em ḿnh, biểu tượng của Disney - một phiên bản được cách điệu hoá từ chữ kư của người sáng lập ra nó - đă cam kết với mọi người rằng bất cứ cái ǵ xuất hiện với biểu tượng này đều rất an toàn và lành mạnh và trên hết là theo phong cách hài hước kiểu Mỹ, đúng theo định nghĩa sách vở cũng như trong thực tế. ...
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Hy vong giup ban

 Reply: vn4000
 REF: 98422
 Date: 05/24/2008

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