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 Post by: songkien
 ID 17267
 Date: 10/24/2008

To Hatnang
profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang    edit -sua doi, thay doi  post reply - goy y kien

Hi Hatnang,

I haven't seen you in this pretty world for long time. How are you, Lady? You know I am looking opportunities to learn and practice my writing in English. Personally, your English is what I am looking for. Unfortunately, maybe you are so busy so that it makes me waiting for you so long. I heard people said "Immigrants make the country (America) moving forward", so you are so busy because of making the country moving forward, aren't you? :) :) :). If so (Vậy là quá dữ :) :):)), I thought not only America, but you also make other countries in the world moving forward because when the economic of America is down, it causes other countries down too, especially, China, don’t you think so? I expect and long to hear from you when you can. Now I think America is so cold, please take care.
You have a great day.

Song Kien

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 Reply: hatnang
 REF: 98974
 Date: 11/09/2008

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  edit - sua bai, thay doi   post reply - goy y kien, dang bai

Hi SongKien,

How are you?
I am so sorry because of my lateness. Hopefully, you are doing well. I have been very busy, sorry about that… My English writing is not fluent and exciting as you thought; it is very basic and simple. The writings, which I have posted in the forum, were my homework. I always think my writing is terrible; therefore, it cannot be what you are looking for. Otherwise, when I read your replies and translated messages, I thought you are a writer or a writing novice. Yours and mine cannot be compared to each other. However, I am passionately interested in learning English, a second language, like you are :).
Ah, I also want to read your writings. Would you like to post some of yours in the forum?



 Reply: songkien
 REF: 98978
 Date: 11/10/2008

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  edit - sua bai, thay doi   post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
Chào Hatnang,

Mình vẫn khoẻ, Hatnang thì thế nào? chắc là bận lắm phải hôn?cám ơn for come back.
As I learn most people are so busy in America, and their lives seem on a needle of their watches. I was so surpprise why their lives are still on needle when this era, most people wear electronic watch :) :) :).
Look! most people want to go to heaven, put their lives on the top of mountain, and know English, but a fact how much people actually go to? Miracle what people expect, doesn't it? Personally, I can not make the country moving forward, but I am eager to make myself forward as I can. With the distance haft globle, I never think I have a chance to meet or reach you, but if I do, learning English with you like this is my great destination (I wish you don’t mind). Look this small world again, lady! If I do not learn and practice English with you, with whom else I will? Please understand about that, and I also ask your willing. You know the truth should never be told, but you whom I can tell you are the best person in this world (please don’t laugh at me). I remembered when I studied the novel Farewell to arms written by Ernest Hemingway, on the first chapter, author talked about the mountain and the city. It’s just a story, and we all students never noted and thought about that until a instructor emphasized and asked us to look for “metaphor”. We got really shock. From what I learned, and what I read your essays, I have explored a wonderful world where I am deeply interested. Personally, when reading, I always try to learn and understand about authors, authors’ ideas and their stories, and I did the same with your essays that why I discovered a pretty girl, lives in the USA., and else . . . . Actually, I do not know it’s alright or not when I learn about your private like that, but I remember once I asked your permit and didn’t mind when I learned about you (author). In your response, you asked me to post my essay. I will, but not now. You know what? I am so afraid that you could be “xỉnh” (drunk) :) :) :) when you smell alcohol from my essay.
Happy Monday, Lady!

Song Kien

 Reply: hatnang
 REF: 98992
 Date: 11/13/2008

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  edit - sua bai, thay doi   post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
Hi there,

You make me so ashamed...I am not good at all. I am not like the person in your head.
However, I am waiting to read and enjoy the special aroma from your writings ... :). We will discuss more after that.


 Reply: hatnang
 REF: 98993
 Date: 11/13/2008

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  edit - sua bai, thay doi   post reply - goy y kien, dang bai


I think you, I, and some others, we ever talked to each other.
Am I right???

 Reply: songkien
 REF: 98997
 Date: 11/15/2008

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  edit - sua bai, thay doi   post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
"You make me so ashamed...I am not good at all. I am not like the person in your head."

Come on, lady! Give me a break :) :) :)

"However, I am waiting to read and enjoy the special aroma from your writings ... :). We will discuss more after that".

You want to read my journal, is it right? If so, Oh no! I know what you meant :) :) :). please let me own you one, I promise I will pay you back plus interest one day:) :) :).


I think you, I, and some others, we ever talked to each other.
Am I right???

Yes Mam’m, You are right. I have known you since I read your essay, then another essay then another essay then another that I am expecting :):):). In this world, I guess tons of people want to learn English, and other tons of people know English well, but you and Nam Thao brought out the magnificent English to this world only. Nam Thao? I thought he may never come back, so I miss a great opportunity to learn from him. As I said now I say it again, reading your essays, I have a great chance to explore your wonderful world where I may learn about your ideas and you, and I also deeply enjoy them. Personally, I don’t like to play gambles, but when a gamble is my challenge, it is very hard for me to give up. Reading your essays, underlining or circling words and sentences, then guessing about your ideas and you, I am so excited although I may be wrong or right. I don’t know what you study, but you really have instinct skill in writing, and if that skill can be developed, you will be a journalist as Betty Nguyen whom I see in CNN website sometimes. Please don’t stop me :) :) :). I know Nam Thao was very nice to ladies as his "lying" essay. Because he really liked to have an easy time (maybe he wanted that lady to leave him alone), he tried to say nice thing to his leader class. Otherwise, whatever I say to you now, it is real. You know anything is possible, don’t you? Let learn about Mr. Obama’s life. About more than 40 years a ago, a boy with two kind of blood, came out to the world in Hawaii. Although he was not born in a manger, he is the president of the United States in some days. See! I don’t think anyone thought he would be a president, but a fact is the fact. Have you read Nam Thao’s essays? If you did, How did you think about his stories and him? Personally, I admire him, and I believed he was very nice gentlemen. Most his stories were about his student’s life and very fun. Besides, he raised VN girls (too) so high. I don’t know his sight was real or he wanted other easy times or maybe he was lonely and never had a Vietnamese lover or friend. I believed Nam Thao doesn’t mind if we discuss about his writing here. How do you think, lady?
Thank you for your response and hope to see you soon.
Please wear an electronic watch :) :) :). Of course, I appreciate and thank for that.
Have a great day,

Song Kien

 Reply: hatnang
 REF: 98998
 Date: 11/15/2008

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  edit - sua bai, thay doi   post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
Oh no....you should stop praising me like that, and please, do not compare me with anybody in the world. I am really normal and do not have any talent or special skill that should be proud
I did not talk to Nam Thao before. Even though I ever read his writings, I cannot tell anything about him.
How do you know Nam Thao's information clearly?
I am slightly confused about everything you just told me.
So doubtful...:)


 Reply: songkien
 REF: 99001
 Date: 11/16/2008

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  edit - sua bai, thay doi   post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
Cám ơn Hatnang cho quick response nghe.

“Oh no!” Oh no what? :) :) :). Đoạn nầy sao mà giống như trong film Kungfu quá vậy. giống như là một nguời đang tấn công còn một người thì đang đở (protect). Hatnang nè! không phải vậy đâu. mình chỉ là những người bạn (dù sẽ và không bao giờ gặp) khuyên nhũ với nhau thôi. hơn nữa ở Mỹ đã có hệ thống "lá chắn" (star war system) bảo vệ rất hửu hiệu, do đó hãy goodnight sleep đi cô bé :) :):)

Hatnang có biết hôn? The truth should never be told. Please forgive me when I reveal it. are you ready to hear :) :) :). nhớ là không được giận à nhe.

I though you still have a long way to become American because as I learned about American’s custom, people are used to thank to someone who offers great ideas to them. I now tell you about this I don’t mean to ask you to thank me, but I really like you to be happy :) :) :). Besides, you have a bright future that why I tried to give a tip in my previous message.

I thought reading is great opportunities to learn English, so I read much as I can when I have a chance. Some people say everyday is a gamble or life is a gamble. Personally, I hate gamble, but a fact of life, I had better accept it because reading is also a gamble where I am excited and enjoyable, and I may improve reading skill and bet about author. I know I may be right or wrong, but that I learn, don’t you think so?

I never know Nam Thao, but his stories are very interesting. In his “Missing”, first, I thought he raised VN girls too much, but when I remember about my mom, I think whatever he wrote about VN girls were real and right. Most Vietnamese females’ lives are endured and sacrificed to take care family. How do you think, lady?

To learn more about author’s ideas, I hope Mr. Nam Thao doesn’t mind when I learn some his ideas here.

“I was going to pray for him, but I was so concerned that I did not know how to pray . . . . . . Heaven? Where people would stay in healthy and happiness, and live forever. Unfortunately, people might not eat, drink, talk, entertain, and else . . . Personally, I did not think the heaven was a fun, and I also doubted about all philosophies. Therefore, the only thing that I was going to pray for him was he would go back to the old days where he had a lot of fun with a pretty Vietnamese girl whom he missed for his entire life.”

Most people always like to be in heaven, but not Nam Thao. It is strange idea, isn’t it? How do you think about this paragraph, lady?
You have a great weekend. your response is so worth, and I appreciate.

Have a great weekend,

Song Kien

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